lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

Pourquoi tu vis / Porque te vas

« Pourquoi tu vis / Porque te vas »


« Pourquoi tu vis /
Porque te vas »
« Pourquoi tu vis /
Porque te vas »

On t'a fait un monde
Trop petit
Pour tes idées,
Pour la petite des grands yeux
Écarquillés Sur l'infini.
te hemos hecho un mundo
demasiado pequeño
para tus ideas,
para la pequeña de grandes ojo
asombrados sobre el infinito

Tu es prisonnière de ta maison,
De tes parents,
De cet adulte qui te dit qu'il a raison
Et qui te ment
eres prisionera de tu casa,
de tus padres,
de ese adulto que te dice que tiene razón
y que te miente

Toi, tu es née pour la vie,
pour la lumière
Pour des pays
Peuplés des rois.
Et tu te demandes dans ta nuit de prisonnière
Pourquoi tu vis et où tu vas
Pourquoi tu vis et où tu vas
naciste para la vida,
para la luz
para países
poblados de reyes
y te preguntas en tus noches de prisionera
por qué vives y a dónde vas
por qué vives y a dónde vas

Tu n'as pas d'avion, ni de bateau
Pour t'en aller.
Les illusions qui restent sont un grand radeau
Qui va couler
Et pourtant tu veux de tout ton corps,
De tout ton cœur
Briser enfin le noir et blanc de ton décor
De grandes douleurs.
no tienes avión, ni barco
para irte.
las ilusiones que quedan son una gran balsa
que va a bogar
y a pesar de todo quieres con todo tu ser
con todo tu corazón
romper por fin el blanco y negro de tu decorado
de grandes dolores

Toi, tu es née pour la folie,
pour la lumière
Pour des pays
Peuplés des rois.
Et tu te demandes dans ta nuit de prisonnière
Pourquoi tu vis et où tu vas
Pourquoi tu vis et où tu vas
naciste para la vida,
para la luz
para países
poblados de reyes
y te preguntas en tus noches de prisionera
por qué vives y a dónde vas
por qué vives y a dónde vas

Toi, tu es née pour la folie,
pour la lumière
Pour des pays
Peuplés des rois.
Et tu te demandes dans ta nuit de prisonnière
Pourquoi tu vis et où tu vas
Pourquoi tu vis et où tu vas
Pourquoi tu vis et où tu vas
naciste para la vida,
para la luz
para países
poblados de reyes
y te preguntas en tus noches de prisionera
por qué vives y a dónde vas
por qué vives y a dónde vas
por qué vives y a dónde vas

traducción: margarita mosquera

Et Si En Plus Y'A Personne

Et Si En Plus Y'A Personne 

Alain Souchon: poète philosophe

Et Si En Plus Y'A Personne  Y Si Además no hay nadie

Abderhamane, Martin, David                                        abderhamane, Martin, David

Et si le ciel était vide                                                    Y si el cielo estuviera vacío
Tant de processions, tant de têtes inclinées                     tantas procesiones, tantas cabezas agachadas
Tant de capuchons tant de peur souhaitées                     tantos capuchoes tantos miedos deseados
Tant de démagogues de Temples de Synagogues             tantos demagogos de Templos y Sinagogas
Tant de mains pressées, de prières empressées               tantas manos apremiadas de rezos apresuradas

Tant d'angélus                                                          tantos angelus
Qui résonne                                                              que repican
Et si en plus                                                              y si además
Ding                                                                        Ding
Y'a personne                                                             no hay nadie

Abderhamane, Martin, David                                         
Abderhamane, Martin, David
Et si le ciel était vide                                                     
Y si el cielo estuviera vacío
Il y a tant de torpeurs                                                  hay tanto entorpecimiento
De musiques antalgiques                                               de músicas analgésicas
Tant d'anti-douleurs dans ces jolis cantiques                      tanto anti-dolor en esos bellos canticos
Il y a tant de questions et tant de mystères                      hay tantas preguntas y tantos misterios
Tant de compassions et tant de révolvers                         tanta compasión y tantos revólveres
Tant d'angélus                                                          tantos angelus
Qui résonne                                                              que repican
Et si en plus                                                              y si además
Ding                                                                        Ding
Y'a personne                                                             no hay nadie

Arour hachem, Inch Allah                                              
Arour hachem, Inch Allah
Are Krishhna, Alléluia                                                     
Arour hachem, Inch Allah
Abderhamane, Martin, David                                         Abderhamane, Martin, David
Et si le ciel était vide                                                     
Y si el cielo estuviera vacío
Si toutes les balles traçantes                                          si todas las municiones trazadoras
Toutes les armes de poing                                             todas las armas de mano
Toutes les femmes ignorantes                                        todas las mujeres ignorantes  
Ces enfants orphelins                                                    esos niños huerfanos
Si ces vies qui chavirent                                                 si esas vidas que zozobran
Ces yeux mouillés                                                         esos ojos mojados
Ce n'était que le vieux plaisir                                            no es más que el viejo placer
De zigouiller                                                                  de cargarse a alguien
Tant d'angélus                                                          tantos angelus
Qui résonne                                                              que repican
Et si en plus                                                              y si además
Ding                                                                        Ding
Y'a personne                                                             no hay nadie

Tant d'angélus                                                          tantos angelus
Qui résonne                                                              que repican
Et si en plus                                                              y si además
Ding                                                                        Ding
Y'a personne                                                             no hay nadie

traducción por margarita mosquera.

Placenta, clitoris, foreskin, Leboyer against adults' violence, Michel Hervé Bertaux-Navoiseau

Eustache Le Sueur.  Retrato de un Joven. 1640. Galería de arte. 

Placenta, clitoris, foreskin,
Leboyer against adults' violence(*)
(the premature cutting of the umbilical cord and the loss of ambilaterality,
a medical fantasy of castration of woman, a real castration for the child)

"If we want to create a less violent world,
where respect and kindness replace fear and hatred,
we must begin with how we treat each other at the beginning of life.
For that is where our deepest patterns are set.
From these roots grow fear and alienation – or love and trust."
                                                                   Suzanne Arms

"Birth without violence reassures the child and prevents them from fear." Étienne Herbinet

"Well birthing, well-being." Danielle Rapoport

"The bath, it was marvellous for him." A dad

"Extraordinary, marvellous, remarkable, privileged birth." 120 mummies over 120

"My theory is that the best way to change the world is to change birth procedures." William Swartley[i]

            Respecting the baby as an extremely sensitive and vulnerable person, with acute feelings, emotions and sensations, Frédérick Leboyer[ii] has revolutionized birthing procedures. His great innovation lies upon the observation that the premature clamping of the cord is traumatizing. Adopted by the WHO, it consists in respecting natural clamping (waiting for the physiological ceasing of pulsations) – but for cardiac weakness of the baby – which takes from five to twenty minutes – sometimes several hours – and allows the child to gain 80-100 grams of rich-in-essential-nutrient blood in five minutes[iii]. It is accompanied by tender care, a maximum of gentleness and a calm and soothing environment: no telephone in the room, low voice, filtered light, half-light in the room (it is necessary to place a spotlight on the mother’s vulva in order to be able to realize a possible haemorrhage), forbearing from pulling the baby’s head, no welcoming through holding by the ankles and spanking the bottom but a little rest on the mother's belly(*), almost immediate putting into nursing, never separating the child from the mother (adopted by the WHO) even for a relaxing little bath (without washing) that will come in its time, a satiety of massage and caresses, hours of skin to skin contact (adopted by the WHO), all this in order to prevent the baby’s suffering.
Bébé Leboyer.JPG
            Odent[iv] emphasizes the moments of intense happiness of the first encounter between the child and its parents, programmed by nature under the influence of oxytocin, the hormone of bonding. He insists upon the necessity of leaving the parents and baby discover each other quietly, and implicitly exposes the intrusion of hurried to get through gynaecologists into that family feast. It is as if a medical team came and perform the premarital exams in the middle of the wedding. Without going up to Lotus birth in which the cord falls by itself out of desiccation at the end of a few days, he recommends to cut it only when it has become dry and hard. We are going to see that it has then fulfilled its task of feeding the baby with essential nutrients. He also stresses the immunity function of the irreplaceable colostrum, the milk of the first three days. It is the first nutrient that the child must receive.
            As a result, crying is little abundant, "Leboyer babies" are neither violent nor depressed but peaceful, gay and energetic; they smile and hold their head from the first day, which was rare before[v]. An enquiry over 120 births[vi] disclosed that they are ambilateral (ambidextrous) in a great majority. It also showed more independence and autonomy, precocious manual skill, a little faster development (walking at 13 months instead of 14-15, cleanliness, feeding and clothing autonomy at 2-3 years old) and above all, "children without problems" (Michel Odent): no troubles of feeding and sleep in 97% cases, less psychosomatic troubles (paroxysmal screams, first three month diarrhoea) and remarkable absence of asking of advice from 95% of mummies. Ten years later or so, another observation[vii]), quoted by 1, over 126 babies, revealed 100% ambilaterals, amazingly higher IQs, great ease at acquiring foreign languages and absence of most infantile diseases.

            But the media success of "Birth without violence" started an as acrid as international controversy[viii]. Tired of this questioning and of the lack of means at his disposal, Leboyer resigned his appointment of senior registrar[ix] in a Paris hospital to dedicate to writing. If the lack of vocations in gynaecology in France is today worrying, "Birth without violence" is regularly reedited all over the world and several maternity wards "institutionalized its approach without sacrificing anything to medical requirements"5. However, some of the latter can be avoided or minimized for healthy children. And above all, they can be delayed.
            Swedish researchers hushed down the most virulent criticisms. A first enquiry[x], led over 400 births, showed that Leboyer welcoming has no consequence upon infantile mortality. A second one[xi] checked that bonding is better realized if the child can remain upon the mother during the first two hours. Others discovered that since the baby is immunized against maternal flora, strictly rooming them in with the mother protects them against UTIs[xii], the great pretext, since antibiotics are greatly sufficient, of American doctors upholders of the inacceptable circumcision.
            The risk of jaundice due to an excess of red globules is not confirmed[xiii], [xiv], [xv] or can be avoided by leaving the placenta at the same level as the baby. The respect of physiological clamping enables to avoid infantile tetanus[xvi]. On the side of the mother, waiting for the voiding of the placental blood lessens the risk of post-partum haemorrhage and makes the expulsion of the placenta easier[xvii].

            However, though recommended by the WHO, natural clamping is still not universally adopted, and no one being a prophet in one's own country; 10% only of French maternity wards practise it, against 83% in Denmark[xviii]. But Leboyer encounters great success abroad where midwifes and doctors have brought a river to the validity of the millenary technique brought back from Gandhi’s country by the gynaecologist yogi. And a strong stream[xix],  [xx], [xxi], of which several editorials[xxii], [xxiii], a meta-analytical study[xxiv] led over 1,912 births in 15 controlled enquiries, and a review[xxv] is growing the opposite way, affirming: "early clamping needs justification"14. An observer even affirms that it would require parental consent. The editor of Archives of disease in childhood notices that the absence of study of long term effects has not made it humdrum. But have such studies been made when immediate clamping was adopted? The massive adoption of a technique that looks contrary to the natural process was deliberately antiscientific.
            A first enquiry about cardiac rhythm[xxvi] concludes to a statistically faster return to the norm with natural clamping. A second one over 30 babies affirms: "These results allow thinking that Leboyer birth is associated with temporary enhancement of pulmonary and systemic resistance whereas left and right ventricular functions are not affected"[xxvii].
            Then, it has been observed that, before birth, the mother delivers the baby an important bolus of blood, 30 to 50% of the total blood volume, that is stored into the placenta3, 24, [xxviii], [xxix], [xxx], [xxxi], [xxxii], [xxxiii], [xxxiv], [xxxv], [xxxvi], [xxxvii], [xxxviii]. This flow is transfused right after birth3 by the pressure of ongoing contractions. Through bringing the oxygen necessary to the effort of starting breath, it enables to avoid the temporary asphyxia necessarily provoked by early clamping whereas, very obviously, depriving an adult of only 30% of her or his blood volume would put her or him into shock. Lind3 notes that the latter occurs 3 seconds later with natural clamping. Only dazed creed can counter the evidence that achieving the passage to respiration through a brutal, even brief, interruption of oxygen alimentation, is a method of barbarous coercion, similar to water torture, with disastrous psychological consequences. The loss of ambilaterality (ambidexterity) is the most conspicuous proof of it but several observers deem that alteration of the brain through temporary lack of irrigation is a cause of autism (1% of US children). Indeed, the latter is unknown to the Amish and Somali who wait for the placenta to come out before cutting the cord. Remaining a few minutes inside the mother, the placenta secures the baby the best possible oxygenation. Consequently, even in case of maternal haemorrhage, one must never clamp before the settling of regular respiration.
            This flow also has a double mechanical function: irrigating the organs that have not yet functioned (kidneys, liver and so on) without depriving the other organs with risk of hypovolemy, hypotension and expanding the lungs. The rise of blood volume and pressure[xxxix] enables the baby’s heart to fill in the air cells of the lungs, making them fit for their next task.
            It is at last heavily burdened in stem cells, red globules, glucose and iron in such quantity and quality that the placental blood of a baby of the same family has been used in the treatment of anaemia. Depriving the child of it at a decisive time of their lives, notably in underdeveloped countries where half children are anaemic at the age of one year, seems deliberately antiscientific. But this is not only true in underdeveloped countries; even a small deficiency in iron or a slight anaemia in infancy can entail cognitive defects. Several enquiries36, 38, [xl], [xli], [xlii], [xliii], [xliv], [xlv], , of which one14 led till the age of 6 months over 358 births, showed that natural clamping highly lessens the risk of anaemia; the rates of iron, ferritin, haematocrit37 and corpuscular haemoglobin35, [xlvi], [xlvii], [xlviii], the rate of glucose14, [xlix], [l], [li] are significantly increased. This is particularly important for children threatened either by their low weight or because their mother has little ferritin or because they could not get supplementary feeding in iron.
            Placental blood also contains the hormones of love and bonding (oxytocin), which favour the first exchanges between mother and child.
            Ultee so concludes his study14 upon 37 preterm babies: "Immediate clamping of the umbilical cord should be discouraged.", and: "There seems to be no detrimental effects of delayed cord clamping." Reynolds[lii] too, reports the absence of adverse effects. At the opposite, early clamping strengthens the risks of hypotension30, anoxia, intraventricular haemorrhage36, [liii], [liv] (very particularly with preterm infants29), and resorting to transfusion[lv], [lvi] and resuscitation32.
           The placenta seems a gift from the mother, a shopping bag that proves the baby that they are not abandoned without resource, almost a first transitional object. So, it is demonstrated that nature has forecast a complex, extremely sophisticated system for birth. Hurried men’s meddling into its plans is irrelevant, to say the least. The placenta is a system of alimentation and excretion through plasmatic exchange with the womb. It is irrigated by two arteries pulsated by the baby’s heart, not the mother’s, and a vein flows back into the baby. It is not voided at the same time as the child so as to be able to provision the baby with ultimate resource necessary to it in its first moments. Nature seems having programmed the stopping of pulsations when the contents of the placenta are exhausted. Throwing it away before full completion of its functions is simply insane. The placenta is exterior to the baby’s body but it is part of it. It belongs to the baby; nature alone may separate them from it.

            After that review, let us come to the unedited contribution of this work: trying to answer the question raised by Rapoport6: "… ambidexterity… is important, without us being able to know its significance". Some physicians qualify "anti-scientific" the complex reality[lvii] of ambilaterality without taking care that already made observations – who can the most can the least – are enough to go forward without loitering about the variety of reports in the matter. Such rejection amounts to a blindness that, from lateralized persons, seems the expression of unavowed jealousy. For ambilaterals perform amazing feats at sports, particularly tennis or combat sports. Opposing an obvious progress in the name of ignorance as to the exact extent of this progress is anti-scientific. We have seen that being born within gentleness has long-term positive psychological repercussions. A valued quality, the ambilaterality of Leboyer babies shows that one does not destroy an organ in the middle of its functioning without lastingly traumatizing the brain. Premature cutting impedes it because it provokes a trauma. What is thus the mechanism of this trauma?
            Ethology and elementary psychology make think that lateralization, normally a consequence of apprenticeship, results from pathological inhibition.
            First fact: submission (right-handedness) or likely opposition (left-handedness) to adult norm is absurd; it does not stem from trust but from the unconscious terror issuing from the brutal extinction of placenta alimentation before its gradual and peaceful natural stopping. Nature provided, for a few moments, a double system of oxygen and nutrient supply. As long as the cord pulses, the placenta enables progressive adaptation, gentle transition between both systems. In the natural state, in absence of medical hurrying, the mother has no reason to cut the cord that dries up and falls down by itself. If the cut occurs before term, it does not only deprive the child from natural nutrients; it brutally interferes into the management of their body by the babies forced to take their first breath through unheard of violence. Provoking terrible anguish, the cut is felt as a cruel mutilation. Intimately and for life terrorised by adults including the mother, the child will comply with the norm. Ambilaterals are normal, right-handed and left-handed ones are not. The very concept of ambidexterity is symptomatic of the compulsion of domination of the obsessive neurotics who invented it.
            Second fact, lateralization is equally parted with monkeys – who leave the cord intact – whereas right-handed are in a majority with men.
            These two facts imply that this majority is a consequence of speech that, through favouring domination and intimidation, thwarted the natural statistical equilibrium. There is no reason why the right hand should be the strongest. The right-handed became more numerous because teachers imposed the use of the right hand for writing and because the military reinforced the phenomenon. Humanity is right-handed because human societies are overbearing societies. Lateralisation is thus not a biological consequence of the natural development of the brain, according to Janov’s5 neurological – but tautological –  explanation. The first trauma: the early cut, creates universal neurosis, its conformism and stream of inhibitions.
            Consciously or not with attendants to birth (nurses, mid-wives, gynaecologists), the matter is individual or collective appropriation of the baby within compulsive desire to enjoy the child. All pretexts are valid in order to grab the baby from the mum’s arms and have it for oneself for a while: "Now for weighing!" and the balance is in another room, or the mother catches a cold and the child must absolutely be placed in the nursery, at the risk of nosocomial infection against which the baby is not immunized. The mechanism of this appropriation is that of fetishist, infantile or primitive thought that, according to psychoanalysis, likens the part to the whole. It is exploited by voodoo manipulators; in order to enslave their gullible victims and force them to prostitution (in absence of sexual mutilation abolished by the enslavers), they rob them a lock of hair. Precocious clamping and obsessive medical care seem both a putting of rituals of separation of primitive peoples that enslave the individual to the tribe into accordance with current tastes, and a means for medical teams of avoiding the anguish of delivery. The child pays for this anxiolytic.
            Leboyer also condemned excision and circumcision[lviii]. What is true for the placenta is a fortiori so for autosexual organs, very rich in erogenous and tactile nervous endings. Invasive, destructive, these excisions provoke an at least as grave trauma as the premature cutting of the cord. The same cause: violence, induces the same effect: deep submission and transgenerational repetition of the weird and discriminating crime. All of them will not necessarily look traumatized, a minority will be gravely traumatized. There probably is a link of cause to effect between circumcision, the antiJewism that it provokes, and the genetic mutation inducing a high propensity to breast and prostate cancer with a great majority of Ashkenazi Jews.
            Submission is amplified by the traumatic breaking of mother-child bonding, of dramatic reciprocity when the mother, not finding again the marvellous initial smiles, "does not recognize" her child any longer and, in the worst cases, ill-treats it8. As painfully experienced by Romberg-Weiner[lix], it's a pity to have a Leboyer birth if the child is to be circumcised later on. Similarly, a gentle birth with premature cutting of the cord is not a gentle birth. Leboyer opposes that tyranny. His message can be summarized so: "Leave the baby, their placenta and the mother alone."
            Provoked by the premature cutting, the symptom of lateralization brings a limpid illustration of the Freudian theory of allegedly symbolical mutilation as a technique of submission. The traumas of the early cut of the umbilical cord and of sexual mutilation are similar. This likeliness points out that, should they be ritual or medical, routine societal cuts upon young generations dramatically separate the child from the mother. The consequence, and sometimes even avowed aim of this terrorist violence is to submit them to a despotic society.


            In the course of history, patriarchy has multiplied the tools of violence intended to break the infant-mother bond. Sexual mutilation is the worst one but the loss of ambilaterality shows that the early cut of the umbilical cord is very damaging too. That against-nature-practice enables physicians to realize an unconscious fantasy of castration of woman. Unconsciously jealous of the maternity power, they psychologically traumatize mothers through the sadistic performance, at a time when the woman is particularly vulnerable, of bringing scissors into play between the mother and the child whereas the placenta is still inside the womb. In that odious fantasy, since the placenta is a part of the child, not the mother, they castrate the child, which is insane!
            Breaking the infant-mother bond is one of the great sources of individual or collective mental disease and criminality. Correlating birthing techniques with adult behaviour ("obstetric procedures should be carefully evaluated and possibly modified to prevent eventual self-destructive behaviour."), several enquiries about suicide[lx], [lxi], [lxii], [lxiii] comfort Leboyer’s findings. The same accounts for criminality[lxiv], [lxv], [lxvi], [lxvii]. Committed at the age when the vulnerability is the greatest, precocious violence is the worst excess of adults who lamentably reproduce, and sometimes worsen, what they themselves suffered. That vicious circle must be broken.
            Exposed by Benjamin Franklin several centuries ago, the premature cutting of the cord dates back to the time when medicine practised bloodletting. It is the first act of violence of adults against the child whom it puts "under terror" (Alice Miller). Taking into account the multiplicity of chirurgical techniques deliberately used in history in order to submit the child: excision, circumcision, amygdalectomy, tonsillectomy, scarifications, etc., one may wonder whether a medical Machiavellianism would not have premeditated the precocious cut of the cord in the same aim. A movement in the opposite way is taking shape but the examples of Copernicus, Galileo, Freud... etc., have shown that one does not solve the world’s problems easily. Medicine is a universe where the best coasts along the worst: rigid dogmas, coteries, incompetence, arrogance and prejudice, in the hands of all-powerful mandarins and from where, consequently, error is not absent. It took it half a century to accept the discovery of hygiene (Semmelweiss) that enabled a strong lessening of post-natal mortality. Concerning gentle birth, there are more than thirty five years that fierce jealousy, stupid pride and blind foolishness ignore one of the most prodigious medical observation of all times. If, after the sharp resistance described by Rapoport(6), (8), the profession grabbed hold of most of Leboyer’s recipes, the main one remains criticized and little followed, and albeit the exceptional interest of his contribution to humanity, he did not get the Nobel prize. However, the premature cutting of the cord traumatizes the brain and deprives burgeoning life from essential nutrients. Nonviolence succeeded in driving the English out of India, will it manage to get the better of the castratist, Western, Judeo-Christian medical order, the accusations of which seem mere slandering towards the multi-millenary empirical learning of India? Faced with psychoanalytical learning and as documented by Rapoport(6), that approach of birthing enables to assess that, if everything goes well elsewhere, the only birth trauma, generator of universal neurosis, is that of the premature cutting of the cord. Let us recall that Leboyer's discovery finds its origin in his own reliving, during the course of his personal analysis, of the trauma of his premature cutting. The author of these lines also could feel the remembrance of the same hellish experience of a life threatening torture, preceded by a birth within gentle enjoyment. Those who have not done that experience are ill-founded to doubt.
            The Leboyer revolution is a chance for the planet to get out of the deadly impasse where obsessive emphasis on productivity led it. Freeing the youth from the violence of adults will enable it to bring solutions to the issues of tomorrow through imagination and gentleness rather than by the equilibrium of terror and its recurrent exterminations.

Sigismond (Michel Hervé Navoiseau-Bertaux) –
Independent psychoanalysis researcher, a former pupil of the Psychoanalysis department of Paris VIII University, author of " Feminine and masculine sexual mutilation, another crime against humanity "
(article and book available for free on circabolition, in the REVIEWS at the bottom of the front page)

[i] Swartley W. Self and society, the primal issue. Interview by Rowan J. Brit J June 1977.
[ii] Birth without violence. New-York: Alfred A. Knop; 1975.
[iii] Lind J. Physiological adaptation to the placental transfusion: the eleventh blackader lecture. Can Med Assoc J. 1965 ; 93 : 1091 –1100.
(*) It is desirable that the mother, or the father if she cannot do so, should be the first person to hold the baby and place it on her belly.
[iv] Odent M. The First Hour Following Birth: Don’t Wake the Mother! Midwifery Today, 61.
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